Vocabulary Builder

agnosticbelief that God may exist, but that He is not "knowable"
angelologystudy of Angels, Satan, demons, evil spirits
animismbelief in the existence of spirits that inhabit (or "animate") natural objects and phenomena, such a rocks, trees and mountains
anthropologystudy of Mankind
anthropologythe study of man
atheismfaith in the belief that God does not exist
attributequality or characteristic
bibliology -study of the Bible
Christologystudy of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ
contritehumble, penitent, expressing regret for sin
cosmologythe nature and structure of the universe (cosmos)
covenanta solemn agreement
creeda belief (from Latin "credo", I believe)
deismbelief in a God who created the universe but does not exercise control over life or natural phenomena, and does not give supernatural revelation
depravitymoral corruption (through sin)
dichotomymade up of two parts; in a theological sense = spirit/soul and body
-   not to be confused with "doctrinaire, which means to be inflexibly attached to a practice or belief without considering its practicality"
-   not to be confused with "dogmatic", which means arrogantly asserting beliefs"
Dreamtimein Australian aboriginal culture, the time before history, when spirit ancestors created the world
dualismthe view that the world consists of two opposing forces: spiritual and physical, that the spiritual side of perfect and the physical side is corrupt, sinful (much of ancient Greek philosophy was dualistic)
ecclesiologystudy of the Church
eschatologystudy of the Last Things
eugenicsImproving the races by controlling breeding for desirable inherited characteristics. Focused on whether race or other factors make a difference in terms of intelligence, power, the nature and structure of society.
ex nihiloout of nothing
exclusivityclaiming to be exclusive, eg the single source of truth
exegesisdetailed interpretation of Scripture
fleshin theological terms, our humanity, the "natural" us
foreknowledgeknowledge of something before it happens
forensicusing knowledge and techniques to dig deeper in understanding things, eg truth or claims
gnosticbelief system in New Testament times that emphasised hidden intellectual or spiritual "knowledge"
hamartiologystudy of Sin
inanimatenot having life
incarnationbeing made in human flesh
intelligent designdesign of the universe by an intelligent being (God)
kinshipconnection by blood, marriage, or adoption; eg family relationship
mandateauthority, command, instruction
monogenismbelief that all members of the "human race" descended from one man (Adam(
monotheismbelief that there is only one true God
occultlit. "hidden" from comprehension. Usually used in relation to supernatural influences.
omnipresentpresent everywhere
orthodoxconforming to established beliefs.
a branch of Christianity that had it origins in Greece and subsequently spread to Russia, Ukraine, the Balkans and beyond
pantheismbelief that everything in the universe is part of God.
pantheonall the "gods"
personificationfigure of speech in which someone or something is represented as a person
pluralisticmade up of groups that are distinctive in ethnic origin, cultural practices, religion, and so on
pneumatologystudy of the Holy Spirit
polygenismdifferent lines of descent separate the different "races" in humanity
polytheismbelief in many gods
predestinationbelief that actions and events have been "pre-ordained" by God.
pre-existentialexisted previously
Providencean old word to describe God, as the guiding power of the universe
psychosomaticeffects of the soul (psyche) on the body (soma). in medical terms, this term sometimes refers to disorders having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes
rationalismreliance on reason instead of God
Rationalismreliance on the exercise of reason, rather than revelation
realma sphere, eg an area over which a sovereign rules, or an "area" in our lives
regenerationre-birth, being born again
revelationlit. "unveiling" of something not previously known
righteousnessuprightness, justice
sanctificationholiness, being "set apart"
secularworld, non-religious, non-spiritual
soteriologystudy of Salvation
sovereignsupreme, greatest, having the highest position
teleologystudy of design and purpose (eg of nature)
theologystudy of God
Traducianismbelief that the soul is inherited from parents along with the body.
trichotomymade up of three parts; in a theological sense = spirit, soul and body
unitarianisma Christian who does not believe in the Trinity


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